Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Voyages of the Starship Socialize

I was reading this post from Pierre Far on Techipedia and was filled with conflicting thoughts. First, it was a well-written piece and logical. It's simply written ... plain talk. Gotta love that. But what bothered me was the thought that there actually IS a final frontier. Mass communication, two-way communication, one-to-one marketing, social marketing ... all simply the same variant of traditional marketing that has been tweaked in some way by technology. And since we truly cannot say there is a final frontier in technology, we must assume that there will no "beam me up, Scotty" moment for marketing either. So, to answer Pierre's question of what the next innovation, leap or Web 3.0 of marketing will be, I would say it will be more of the same marketing foundation, only modified by whatever the newest technology tools will allow. In my opinion, it's not a question of what NEW marketing will emerge, but rather what will emerge FOR new marketing. But I could be wrong ...

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