Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Power of New Furniture

We just got new furniture for our living room. The kind where every cushion you plant your fanny reclines. So here we are last night, my entire family all sitting on nubuck leather sofas, loveseats and "snugglers" (yes, that's what the salesman said it was). And we're all reclining. I wish someone would have stood on a chair and taken a picture of us. It was the pinnacle of couch-potatoism.

But, then something happened. The dogs were scratching at the door to get in. It's 100 degrees outside and we're reclined in a cool 73 degrees living room with ceiling fans gently humming above us. The power of the furniture held us in place. Eyes darted left and right. Will he get up to let the dogs in? Will she get up to let the dogs in? Or will the power of the furniture hold us fast.

It did.

(But only for a few more precious moments, for all you animal lovers out there.)

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